Our commitment to the environment

When you use natural resources, you have to ensure that you are not stripping yourself of your means of existence. Sustainability is an obligation – not an aspiration. We stand or fall by an environment that remains intact.

We take personal responsibility for our actions: the chemical industry’s “Responsible Care” initiative underpins what we do. This global initiative is a voluntary contribution to solving the global environmental problems arising from the various business activities of chemical industries. Another feature running through our work is the new EU regulation for the registration, evaluation and authorisation of chemicals, or REACH for short. Incidentally, as far back as 1988 we voluntarily stopped using CFCs and HCFCs and recycle virtually 100 per cent of waste polyethylene and polystyrene materials from our production.

We are conducting research throughout the company on the options for conserving resources. Each individual business unit, each site and each step of each process is coming under scrutiny.
